Looking for some good advice to help ensure a successful videoconference? Check out these tips...
Make sure there is enough light. More light equals better details.
Use a desk lamp to augment overhead light. A strong light coming from overhead casts shadows, which can be unflattering or distracting.
Avoid sitting in front of a bright window. A strong light coming from behind can cause your video image to appear as a shadow or with glowing edges
Before you call, confirm with the other participant.
Before starting a clinical consultation, confirm with the person you are calling that they are ready and expecting your video call.
- This is important to avoid privacy breaches.
- It gives them the opportunity to make their own preparations for a quality video call.
At the beginning of a call, check that everyone is connected.
Allocate a few minutes at the start of the session to confirm that both you and the party you’re calling have good quality audio and video before starting the clinical consultation. Check that you can both:
- See each other clearly.
- Hear and understand each other.